Monday, December 23, 2019

Baby Jesus Cried

It’s two days until Christmas.  The focus is on the joy of God sending a Savior and heaven meeting earth.  Joy abounds with lights, celebrating, gifts, and laughter.  But in the quiet of that holy night and in the quiet of your soul, listen to the small voice.  You may have to listen for a while before you hear it.  It’s a very sad, heart wrenching sound.  Baby Jesus was crying.  He was thrust into this world through a birth process we are not sure of but babies cry being born.  He was cold, so cold.  He was crying from His first emotions.  We think of the hope in a new baby being born but they don’t feel that.  They’re only reacting physically and emotionally to the trauma of the transition.  So baby Jesus entered the world like He left it ~ painfully to give us hope.  Comfort Him and hear Him this Christmas. Be present with His mother, father, and even the animals.  Take a little extra quiet time to listen, you might Jesus crying out for you.