This was my blog entry on iCatholic yesterday - just trying to spread the good word.
Do you remember that oldies song? It came to mind when I was preparing to share this post. Ronda Chervin has an awesome 100 day blog journey I am going to start today and I want you to join me. I know Ronda will be helping us grow spiritually during Lent and enrich our lives in many new and unexpected ways. This always happens when we grow closer to Christ, right? Begin here and it shows where to click on day one, etc. I'm so excited about this and can't wait to get started. Ronda explained this on ewtn on Ash Wednesday which I looked up and watched, you can also watch it on youtube. Her book "Quotable Saints" has been great blessing to me over the years so I know I will relate to this project and hope you will too. We can add each others prayer intentions with each days prayer in the blog. Let's pray the three A's - end abortion, abuse and addictions - as well as to release souls in purgatory, healings, homeless, and especially pray - the people who will die today. Remember to keep your eyes open today to see God's blessings, no matter how small, as a love signal to you today.
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