Monday, August 8, 2016

The Redbud, Lilac, and me πŸƒ

God is so good!  He speaks to me (and you) in so many beautiful ways.  I did a quick errand to the bank before tackling cutting my grass this morning.  It began... Only two short blocks of driving but a  redbird flew across my windshield.  Look at my post A Little Bird Told Me to get the back story but this little sign made me smile and outwardly say, "thank you Jesus."  Then a brightly colored male cardinal flew in front of me and landed in the middle of the road, causing me to brake quickly: as he escaped safely.  Another smile, this time maybe reminding me to slow down or realize unexpected beauty comes and goes.  So finally to the mowing.  I killed my redbud tree recently from weedeating too closely too often but new starts of the tree have popped up everywhere.  It's been kind of annoying because they're growing too close to the house so I have to pull them out or cut them off-kind of a nuisance.  The tiny main tree stump remaining is sprouting nicely though so I'm reminded of rebirth and hope of beautiful pink blooms in the spring.  But my revelation from God and the lesson I learned came as I saw a tiny blooming sprig of lilac nestled in my mint patch.  I had been so disappointed as one of my two large lilac bushes died this year.  I had planted one on each corner of the front landscaping 15 years ago.  Wind, birds, or SOMETHING  was responsible for my new little lilac!  So when I'm disappointed or lose something important to me, God will ALWAYS be there, planting or flying about with new joys and always beauty for me.  His presence isn't always felt but that's ok- this and all the reminders in my life keep me looking around corners and straight ahead for new, beautiful, and lasting moments which are proof of HIS awesome love.πŸ’Ÿ

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